Meetings and Events

San Ramon Valley Rotary Club Weekly Meetings
from 7pm to 8:30pm
(We are temporarily meeting at another location while Fad Maddie’s is relocating. Please use contact us to ask us where we are meeting during February and March if you plan to pay us a visit. Thank You)

Wednesday, February 19th, RI and DACdb Training, Greeter Mark
Wednesday, February 26th, Linda Hamilton Stories to Last, Greeter Mihail
Wednesday, March 5th, Board Meeting at 6:30pm
Wednesday, March 12th, St Patrick’s Day Prep, Greeter Rochelle
Saturday and Sunday, March 15th and 16th St. Patrick’s Day Dublin
Wednesday, March 19th, Spelling Bee Prep, Greeter Archana
Saturday, March 22nd, Spring Assembly South
Sunday, March 23rd, Regional Spelling Bee
Wednesday, March 26th, DG Dan’s Official Club Visit, Greeter Valerie

 San Ramon Valley Rotary Club Calendar