March 6 , 2013
At La Strada, President Walt called the meeting to order at 12:15.
The Pledge was led by Franklin.
Antonio shared a quote by Francis Bacon, “Some books are meant to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested; that is, some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read but not curiously; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention.”
- Members attending: 22
- Visiting Rotarians: none
- Guests:
- Katie Ferguson Blue Oyster Thai, came with Ed;
- 2. Hermin (whom everyone is familiar with!)
Who Am I?
Today Leslay told us about her life, family, and career.
Grew up in Corning; parents went to school with Vickie. Her dad is half-Chinese, thus the last name! Leslay went to Chico, was an Honors student and studied in Belgium & France. She ’s married and has a 4¾ year old daughter!
St Patrick’s Day at His Lordship’s: March 16. Get your tickets now!
A Night in Tuscany–There is now an ad in the Marketplace Magazine.
Potential Silent Auction Gift Items
If can’t provide a gift, donate $100
Leslay says she’ll try to get a laptop for the auction from Relia-Tech
The grant money will go to 5 organization.
- Simon invited everyone to some Chamber events:
- March 21 –La Revolucion; installation of officers
- March 23 –Announcements for Businesses of the Year
- Leslay wanted everyone to come out to the Grand Re-Opening of Relia-Tech this Saturday, March 9; they teach people how to really handle and fix computer hardware.
- Remy invited everyone to the Cancer Center Celebration for Breast Cancer Survivors, network support, free hair styling & makeovers on March 20! Those interested must apply.
- Walt recognized David and Remy for their recent volunteer efforts
- Brad’s wife, Marie, is retiring June 15!
- Doug’s daughter is getting married!
- Vickie invited everyone to donate to the YMCA’s Campaign for Youth.
PROGRAM: Families First
Bill van Dyk introduced today’s speaker,
Jamie, from Families First. They are an organization that helps take care of foster children and get them 1-on-1 help rather than sending them to big group homes. There are 80,000 kids in foster care in California. You can be a foster parent and heal the heart of a child.
They work to help kids feel empowered and not hopeless. A recent bill, AB12, pushes the age limit for foster care from 18 to 21. Studies show that 18 is too young to have a person start living on their own, especially foster children; they usually end up homeless.
At the end of the program, Vickie asked our speaker to sign the book “Real Love” by Sean Lennon.
Bill van Dyk won $5. Katie got $10! Sam won $20 and gave it to Hermin’s project.
Franklin had the chance for the big money, but somebody sneezed and the winning marble slipped out of his fingers.
And so, the jackpot continues to grow.
n/a because the Sparkplug was late